One from Nicolas

Yellow Otherwise, by Nicolas Pesquès, translated by Lee Posna, presents the 17th book of Nicolas Pesquès’ monumental La face nord de Juliau, bringing this important French poet a step closer to the recognition he deserves and has already achieved in France. His long series of poetic meditations on Mount Juliau in the Ardèche region of […]

Lavender Ink and Diálogos were indeed affected by the sudden demise of Small Press Distribution, but perhaps less than some presses who depended on them solely. Lavender Ink and Diálogos books are available via variety of distribution methods, including direct sales from this website, and also via Asterism, who is now distributing our books to […]
One from Jeff

Poem from a Jumper Most people don’t live long enough to inhale water. There is no drowning at the foot of the Golden Gate Bridge, but there are fractured ribs almost every time, almost every rib, as if Adam himself could be shattered. Shards of bone travel like tiny scalpels, haphazardly pierce the spleen, the […]
One from Grzegorz

Melancholia the weather is uninspiringsexless and very graythe neighbors want a proofso I show them my bleeding finger(they recoil away from the keyhole)meanwhile some cathas caught an obese flythe kind that likes shitstrangled it and let it go indignantlyI don’t know this cator who he isalso there’s this constant scrapingso much scraping the whole […]
A Pushcart for Adrade/Levitin

“Winter Flame,” a poem from Eugénio de Andrade‘s Furrows of Thirst has been selected for this year’s Pushcart Prize and included in the just-released Pushcart Prize XLVIII. To commemorate, we’re offering Furrows at half price until January 31, 2024. Just use coupon code “pushcart” when ordering. Adeena Karasick’s Ouvert Oeuvre: Openings, with its stunning visualization […]
Two New Reviews of Ulacia

Check out these two recent reviews of Manuel Ulacia Selected Poems, Translated and Selected by Indran Amirthanayagam: Jonathan Harrington review at World Literature Today. Walter Holland review at Lambda Literary Review.
Four New Volumes of Poetry in Translation Launching in time for ALTA
We’ve had a busy Spring, here, with lots of new titles in the works, including these four now available for pre-order, launching this Fall just in time for the ALTA conference. My Soul Has No Corners, by Souad Labbize, translated from the French by Susanna Lang, with cover art by Annie Kurkdjian. Souad Labbize is […]
2 New Releases by Adeena Karasick to Launch at the New Orleans Poetry Festival

This April we will be launching two poetically, visually and politically arresting titles by Adeena Karasick at the New Orleans Poetry Festival, which is taking place April 13-16. Adeena performs at 4 PM that Saturday, April 15, at Café Istanbul in the New Orleans Healing Center, along with her collaborator, designer/author Warren Lehrer.The release event, […]
Manuel Ulacia: New Selection and Translation by Indran Amirthanayagam
Manuel Ulacia (1953–2001) was born into a family of Spanish poets of the famous “Generation of ‘27” who fled to Mexico from the Spanish Civil War. Manuel studied Hispanic literature at Yale, specializing in Luis Cernuda, then returned to Mexico where he became a protégé of Octavio Paz and later president of PEN’s Mexico chapter. […]
New Translation of Baroja

We’re excited to be releasing, this month, the first translation of famed Spanish novelist Pío Baroja’s Los Amores Tardíos, translated as Night Flame by Spanish scholar D. J. Walker. Well-known and respected in Europe, Baroja is one member of Spain’s famed Generation of ’98 who has received little attention in the US, despite the respect […]
t thilleman at Brooklyn Rail
Lavender Ink author (Free Compositions and the newly-released Improviso) and prolific publisher and poetry raconteur t. thilleman is featured in the current issue of Brooklyn Rail. In the interview he discusses Free Compositions and a wide range of other topics, including the new documentary film Poetry New York, releasing this month at the Chain NYC […]
Chad Foret, William Faulkner-William Wisdom Award Grand Prize Winner
This year’s William Faulkner-William Wisdom Award Grand Prize Winner is Chad Foret for his paean to south Louisiana, Scenes from a Rain Country. “I am confident writers of the 22nd century will regard Chad Foret’s Scenes from a Rain Country as the text where surrealism and intimacy swam a mutual reservoir,” says Jon Riccio of […]
NOPF is Here!

The New Orleans Poetry Festival, 2022, starts up this weekend with online events. Check out the entire event schedule here. The first half of the week is devoted to online events, with live events beginning Thursday, 4-20. Here is the info for our reading: Lavender Ink / Dialogos Books Reading With: Indran Amirthanayagam , Rosemary Daniell , Kit Robinson , Aicha Bassry , Norman […]
Lavender Ink / Diálogos at AWP
Please join us at two offsite events in Philly during AWP next week. First, we are cosponsoring a PREFUNK PARTY, in collaboration with Unlikely Stories, Rigorous: a journal by people of color, and Louisiana’s River Writers. Come see us at Strangelove’s Beer Bar216 S. 11th St.Wendesday, March 23, 6-10:30pm At this reading will be Indran Amirthanayagam […]
Indran Amirthanayagam Reviewed in World Literature Today
Blue Window has attracted the attention of World Literature Today, where it is reviewed this month by Jonathan Harrington, who analyzes the book thoroughly: With almost no subject matter being taboo in postmodern poetry, ironically the oldest subject of all is, for most contemporary poets, strictly off-limits. That subject is love. It actually takes courage to […]
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