Izzy Oneiric

asIzzy Oneiric holds a BA in Interdisciplinary Studies from the California Institute of Integral Studies and an MFA in Poetry from Columbia College Chicago. Her work has appeared in over 20 print and online publications including Raging Pelican, Source Material, Plath ProfilesPhantom Limb, South Loop Review, and Women Poets Wearing Sweatpants. She’s been featured twice on the Tattooed Poets Project. Her chapbook From the Bombshell Shelter was selected for Main Street Rag’s Author’s Choice series in 2010. Izzy has performed at numerous readings and events, including Writers With DrinksBlood Jet Poetry, and Ladyfest New Orleans. She lives in New Orleans with two black cats named Gir! and Spork, and performs with the New Orleans Poetry Brothel. She has blue eyes and can read upside-down. She once tried to write with her feet. It didn’t work.  


Ralph’s page at Xavier University.

Page at NEA.

Louisiana Poetry Project.

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