Jennifer Rathbun

Jennifer Rathbun received her Ph.D. from the University of Arizona in Contemporary Latin American Literature. She is currently Professor of Spanish and Chair of the Department of Modern Languages and Classics at Ball State University. She is a member of The American Literary Translators Association (ALTA) and she is the Associate Editor of Ashland Poetry Press.

Rathbun is co-editor of the anthologies of poetry Sangre mía / Blood of Mine: Poetry of Border Violence, Gender and Identity in Ciudad Juárez (New Mexico State University UP, 2013) and Canto a una ciudad en el desierto (La Cuadrilla de la Langosta, 2004). In addition, she has published more than thirty poetic translations of Hispanic authors in prestigious national and international reviews and journals such as The Dirty Goat, Terre Incognita, Prism International, and International Poetry Review. She is the author of the poetry collection El libro de traiciones / The Book of Betrayals (Artepoétic Press, 2021).

As a translator, Jennifer Rathbun has published: Giros de faros / Circling Beacons (Guernica Editions, 2022) by Mexican poet Alberto Blanco in collaboration with American poet John Oliver Simon; Fuego a voluntad / Fire of Volition (Mantis Editors , 2020) by Mexican poet Fernando Carrera; Adamar/Beloved (Artepoética Press, 2020) by Mexican poet Minerva Margarita Villarreal; La llama inclinada/ The Inclined Flame (Artepoética Press, 2018) by Colombian author Carlos Satízabal; Era hombre, era mito, era bestía/ Man Myth Beast (Editorial Ultramarina, 2013) by Mexican author Iván Vergara; Tras el rayo/ Afterglow (The Bitter Oleander Press, 2011) by Mexican artist Alberto Blanco; and with Mexican transfronterizo author Juan Armando Rojas Joo: Como luz de río / Like River Light (Artepoética Press, 2019), Santuarios Desierto Mar/ Sanctuaries   Desert Sea (Artepoética Press, 2015), Luz/ Light (Editorial Ultramarina, 2013), Río vertebral/Vertebral River (Pecan Grove Press, 2009), Ceremonial de viento/ Ceremonial of Wind (La Cuadrilla de la Langosta, 2006), and the chapbooks Ofrendas/Offerings (Ohio Wesleyan University UP, 2012) and De caña de maíz y miel: 12 haikus de Ohio/On Cornstalks and Honey: 12 Ohio Haiku (Full/Crescent Press, 2018). 

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