Joel Weishaus
“For much of my life I’ve been preparing for a project that has no destination, and as most of my work during the past twenty years has been in the form of a journal, I want to take this work on a walk for the sake of walking about the rugged trails of existence-non- existence, switchbacking the sacred and profane.”
From “The Gateless Gate”
Digital Archive [The Center for Digital Discourse and Culture, Virginia Polytechnic University]
Paper Archive [The University of New Mexico, Zimmerman Library, Albuquerque]
On The Mesa: An Anthology of Bolinas Writers.[Editor] [City Lights Books, 1971
Oxherding: A Reworking of the Zen Text. with Block Prints by Arthur Okamura. Cranium Press, 1971
Bits & Snatches: The Selected Poems of Sam Thomas [Editor]White Rose Press, 1973.
The Healing Spirit of Haiku. With David Rosen and Arthur Okamura. North Atlantic Books, 2004/ WIPF & Stock, 2014.
Feels like Home Again-Collected Poems. Lavender Ink, 2014.
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Feels Like Home Again: Collected Poems
$18.00 Add to cartFeels Like Home Again: Collected Poems
Joel Weishaus
Tracing forty years of Joel Weishaus’ natural, poetic and spiritual life…$18.00
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