Santiago Vizcaíno

Santiago Vizcaíno has a degree in Communications and Literature from the Catholic Pontifical University of Ecuador. He has worked as an editor at the newspaper Hoy, at Superbrands Ecuador, and at the Office of Publications in Ecuador’s Benjamín Carrión Casa de la Cultura. At present, he is the editor of the magazine Nuestro Patrimonio, published by the Ministry for the Coordination of the Patrimony, and of various other publications, including those of the Organization of Historical Centers of Latin American and the Caribbean. His work has appeared in several magazines, including Letras del Ecuador, Rocinante, Retrovisor and Casa de las Américas. His first book of poetry, Destruction in the Afternoonwon the Premio Proyectos Literarios Nacionales award from the Ecuadorian Ministry of Culture in 2008. His second book, In the Twilight, won second prize in the Pichincha Poetry Prize competition in 2010. His work has appeared in Bitter Oleander, Chattahoochee Review,Connotation Press, Dirty Goat, Eleven/Eleven, eXchanges, Ezra, Lake Effect, Moon City ReviewOsirisPer ContraRowboat, Saranac Review, and Words Without Borders. The translations of all forty poems that comprise the text of Destruction in the Afternoon have been published in literary magazines in the United States. He was awarded a one-year fellowship to Malaga, Spain, in 2011.



Interview by Alexis Levitin at Connotation Press.



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