Sara Henning

Besides her debut full-length collection, A Sweeter Water, Sara Henning is the author of the  chapbook, To Speak of Dahlias (2012, Finishing Line Press).  Her poetry, fiction, interviews and book reviews have appeared or are forthcoming in such journals as Willow Springs, Bombay Gin and the Crab Orchard Review.  Currently a doctoral student in English and Creative Writing at the University of South Dakota, she serves as Managing Editor for The South Dakota Review.



Interview at Sundress Blog 
with Laura Madeline Wiseman

Interviews by Sally Deskins at Les Femmes Folles: February 2014 • May 2013.

“Poems ‘can find their way to each other like lovers’: The Chapbook Interview with Sara Henning,” Sara Henning Interviewed by Laura Madeline Wiseman (January 2014).

“’Who Could Speak Louder:’ An Interview with Sara Henning,” Sara Henning Interviewed by Tyler Gobble, The Collagist, (February 2012).

“Ask the Author: Sara Henning,” Sara Henning Interviewed by Roxane Gay, PANK Magazine

Review of A Sweeter Water at Weave Magazine


A sampling of Sara’s work online:


Superstition Review:


Boxcar Poetry Review



The Offending Adam

The Citron Review

Blue Lyra Review


Featured Author Work:

Sundress:  The Wardrobe, Best Dressed:

burntdistrict Poem of the Week:

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