Altercations in the Quiet Car


Richard Martin9781935084075
…relentlessly perverse…–Stephen-Paul Martin

SKU: 978-1935084075 Category: Tags: , ,


Richard Martin

ISBN 978-1935084075
190 pages: $20.00
December, 2010
A Lavender Ink/Fell Swoop joint venture


 “I had great fun reading Richard Martin’s stories. They’re so relentlessly perverse, so acridly playful. They’re driven by a remorselessly exact self-consciousness that refuses to accept the limits of its own powers of expression, a kind of anti-textuality that keeps pulling the rug out from under itself.”
–Stephen-Paul Martin

“Richard Martin’s freewheeling stories create their own reality.”
–Vernon Frazer


 Richard Martin is the author of the anti-memoir boink! (Lavender Ink, 2005) and Obstinate Midgets (Obscure Publications, 2004), a chapbook of flash fiction. His stories have appeared in Big BridgeExquisite Corpse (Annual #1), Fell Swoop, and The American Drivel Review. He is also the author of four volumes of poetry, including White Man Appears on Southern California Beach (Bottom Fish Press, 1991) and Marks (Asylum Arts, 2002). He is a past recipient of a NEA Fellowship in Poetry and lives in Boston with his family.

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Weight 9 oz


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