
Mohamed Hmoudane
I dance like a throat-slit leaping


Mohamed Hmoudane

Translated by Peter Thompson

Gravures by Bouchaïb Maoual

ISBN: 978-1-944884-78-9 (pbk.)

(May, 2020) 

Ebook (PDF only) available

I dance sheathed in wounds
And with corpses and from
My mouth sounds dribbling
The dead are like words
They spread smoke and ash…


Hmoudane—justly famous for popular novels—adds his poetry to the timely warnings of Amin Maalouf, Fouad Laroui and others, providing context to the religious totalitarianism of Morocco today through the epic sectarian battles of its past. Fashioning images of degeneration and hypocrisy, and a tone by turns down to earth and hieratic, he dazzles with a mirror image of the Koran and Islamic history.


I dance like a throat-slit leaping
On the night I call forth and enlist
The stars


The edition is enhanced by the superb color gravures by Bouchaïb Maoual.


Born in 1968 in El Maâzize, in the region of Khémisset, Mohamed Hmoudane is a Moroccan poet, novelist and translator. He has lived in France since 1989. His writing, tinged with rebelliousness and dark humor, is widely respected both in France and in the Arab world.

Additional information

Weight 16 oz
Dimensions 6 × 9 × .5 in

Paperback, PDF


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