Memorial + Sight Lines


Megan Burns
water is bending its knees

SKU: 978-1935084006 Category: Tags: ,


Megan Burns

ISBN 978-1935084006
80 pages: $10.00
April, 2008

 Megan Burns’ paen to post-Katrina New Orleans tells us what it feels like to be at once at home and abandoned. The long poem “Memorial” takes us into the depths of the despair and horror that followed the storm: 

water is bending its knees
what kind of
worm went under
in every form
think on it
the irregular regularity of the rounded
out hollow
the segmented corpse

This, however, is followed by the series, “Sight Lines,” whose meditations attempt to coax a new beginning from the disaster, a new dawn which sees:

the immortal possibililty
        of getting it “right”         this time


Goodreads Reviews
Gary Parrish Review
Youtube of Megan Burns reading from Memorial + Sight Lines


Megan Burns edits the poetry magazine, Solid Quarter. She has been published in Jacket Magazine, Callaloo, New Laurel Review, Trickhouse, and the Big Bridge New Orleans Anthology. Her poetry and prose reviews have been published in Tarpaulin Sky, Gently Read Lit, Big Bridgeand Rain Taxi. She has two recent chapbooks: irrational knowledge (Fell Swoop press, 2012) and a city/ bottle boned (Dancing Girl Press, 2012). She lives in New Orleans where she runs Trembling Pillow Press.

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Weight 9 oz


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